
Planned Giving

Gift of Personal Residence or Farm with Retained Life Estate

Gift of Personal Residence or Farm with Retained Life Estate Diagram

How It Works

  1. Transfer title to personal residence or farm to Vanderbilt
  2. No change in your lifestyle—you (and spouse) occupy and enjoy residence or farm for life
  3. Vanderbilt keeps or sells property after your death(s)


  • No out-of-pocket cost for substantial gift to Vanderbilt
  • Federal income-tax deduction for remainder value of your residence or farm
  • You (and spouse) can occupy residence for life

More Information

Contact Us

Vanderbilt University
Office of Planned Giving
PMB 407756
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37240-7756


615-343-3113 or
Toll Free 888-758-1999


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