
Planned Giving

Bequest Language

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We recommend the following language or similar wording to include a bequest to Vanderbilt in your will or revocable trust. Please share the wording below with the attorney(s) who prepares your estate-planning documents:

For an unrestricted gift to be used where there is the greatest need or for its general purposes:

“I give, devise and bequeath to The Vanderbilt University, a not-for-profit corporation located in Nashville, Tennessee, (“Vanderbilt”) the sum of $ _______ [or ________ % of my residuary estate] to be used for its general purposes.”

To allocate your bequest to a particular purpose:

“I give, devise and bequeath to The Vanderbilt University, a not-for-profit corporation located in Nashville, Tennessee, (“Vanderbilt”) the sum of $ _______ [or ________ % of my residuary estate] to be used for…

—endowed need-based scholarships for undergraduate students… [ or ] students at the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing… [ or ] students at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine… [ or ] students at the Vanderbilt University Law School… [ or ] students at Vanderbilt University Peabody College… [ or ] students at Vanderbilt University Divinity School… etc.

—an endowed Chair at the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering or, if the minimum amount required to establish a chair exceeds the amount of this bequest, then for other faculty support in the discretion of the Board of Trustees… [ or ] an endowed Chair at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in the field of __________________”… etc.

The options above are only examples and do not encompass all of the programs or schools at Vanderbilt. Whenever you consider including a bequest to Vanderbilt, we encourage you to speak in advance with your contacts on campus or call our planned giving team to discuss how to allocate your gift. 

Finally, you can also leave a bequest to Vanderbilt “subject to the terms of a separate gift agreement between the testator and Vanderbilt.” Then you can place detailed instruction about the purpose of your bequest in a separate agreement. Should you ever wish to adjust your designation, the changes can be made in the separate gift agreement without amending your will. Vanderbilt uses these gift agreements to ensure that donors’ intentions are fulfilled.


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